Thursday, May 8, 2008

National History Day Competition

The following are results of this year's National History Day competition:
On Saturday, April 26, thirteen Birchwood students traveled to Columbus, Ohio for the state level of the National History Day (NHD) competition. NHD is an educational program devoted to improving the teaching and learning of history in schools. Beginning in the fall, students choose a topic related to an annual theme, which this year was Conflict and Compromise, and then conduct extensive primary and secondary research. After analyzing and interpreting their sources and drawing conclusions about their topics' significance in history, students present their work in original papers, exhibits, performances, web sites and documentaries. In March, all the 7th and 8th graders, along with one 6th grader, participated in the district level of the competition. Based on the outcome of that competition, thirteen students advanced to the next level held in Columbus.
In the individual documentary category, Ani D was a national finalist for his documentary on Japanese internment in WWII. For the third year in a row, Ani also received an award from the Society of Ohio Archivists for his excellent research and use of archival material. Oliver D was also a national finalist for his paper on the Berlin Airlift. Both of these students will travel to the University of Maryland in June to compete at the national level against qualifiers from across the country. Receiving an honorable mention award were Sahar A and Shulamite C for their group performance on the Red Scares of the 20th century, and Caitlin S and Lina W for their performance on the All American Girls Professional Baseball League. Also receiving an honorable mention were Serena C and Jocelyn L for their group documentary on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire. In the individual exhibit category, Sarah L received an honorable mention for her board on the bombing of Coventry, England in WWII. Also competing at the state level were Jacques D with a web site on George Crile, Lulu S with an exhibit on the Boston Tea Party, and Riza M and Ilona K with a group performance on the Women's Christian Temperance Union.
Congratulations to all these students and good luck to Ani and Oliver at the National competition in June!
* As an interesting note, two Birchwood alumni, Hannah Miller and Timothy Miller, competed in the senior level in the group performance category. They also were national finalists and will compete at the University of Maryland in June. Their topic focused on the US response to the Armenian massacres in Turkey during WWI.

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